200-299 (Religion) Dewey Decimal Guide

200 Religion 250
Christian orders
& local church
201 Religious mythology & social theology (comparative religion) 251 Preaching (Homiletics)
202 Doctrines 252 Texts of sermons
203 Public worship and other practices 253 Pastoral office (Pastoral theology)
204 Religious experience, life & practice 254 Parish administration
205 Religious ethics 255 Religious congregations & orders
206 Leaders & organizations 256 [Unassigned]
207 Missions & religious education 257 [Unassigned]
208 Sources 258 [Unassigned]
209 Sects & reform movements 259 Pastoral care of families & persons
& theory of religion
260 Social & ecclesiastical theology
211 Concepts of God 261 Social theology
212 Nature of God 262 Ecclesiology
213 Creation 263 Days, times, places of observance
214 Theodicy 264 Public worship
215 Science & religion 265 Sacraments, other rites & acts
216 [Unassigned] 266 Missions
217 [Unassigned] 267 Associations for religious work
218 Humankind 268 Religious education
219 [Unassigned] 269 Spiritual renewal
220 Bible 270 Church history
221 Old Testament 271 Religious orders in church history
222 Historical books of Old Testament 272 Persecutions in church history
223 Poetic books of Old Testament 273 Doctrinal controversies & heresies
224 Prophetic books of Old Testament 274 History of Christianity in Europe
225 New Testament 275 History of Christianity in Asia
226 Gospels & Acts 276 History of Christianity in Africa
227 Epistles 277 History of Christianity in North America
228 Revelation (Apocalypse) 278 History of Christianity in South America
229 Apocrypha & pseudepigrapha 279 History of Christianity in other areas
& Christian theology
280 Christian denominations & sects
231 God 281 Early church & Eastern churches
232 Jesus Christ & his family 282 Roman Catholic Church
233 Humankind 283 Anglican churches
234 Salvation (Soteriology) & grace 284 Protestants of Continental origin
235 Spiritual beings 285 Presbyterian, Reformed, Congregational
236 Eschatology 286 Baptist, Disciples of Christ, Adventist
237 [Unassigned] 287 Methodist & related churches
238 Creeds & catechisms 288 [Unassigned]
239 Apologetics & polemics 289 Other denominations & sects
240 Christian moral & devotional theology 290 Other religions
241 Christian ethics 291 [Unassigned]
242 Devotional literature 292 Classical (Greek & Roman) religion
243 Evangelistic writings for individuals 293 Germanic religion
244 [Unassigned] 294 Religions of Indic origin
245 [Unassigned] 295 Zoroastrianism (Mazdaism, Parseeism)
246 Use of art in Christianity 296 Judaism
247 Church furnishings & articles 297 Islam, Babism, Bahai Faith
248 Christian experience, practice, life 298 (Optional number)
249 Observances in family life  299 New Age religions and other


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