Archives Class Projects Policy

For the purpose of advancing and promoting the Archives at MBI, class projects involving research, organization, and/or promotion of Archives materials is permitted and encouraged. Professors and students involved in such projects will abide by the following rules and procedures:

  • Professors should give Archives staff notice prior to or at the beginning of the semester for which they would like to incorporate an Archives project into their class. Information must be provided to the Archives staff including the class name (if applicable), a description of the project, and the names of the students involved with the project.
  • A schedule of specific dates and times will be agreed upon and strictly adhered to. If a definite schedule cannot be made, visits can be made on a day-by-day basis provided the professor gives notice at least two business days ahead of when they wish to use the Archives Reading Room. This will allow us time to pull items from Archives storage and to notify personnel to make the necessary accommodations.
  • We will extend the availability of the Archives Reading Room to professors and students accompanied by a professor, even after business hours, by providing a key to the room, which will be kept at the Information Desk in advance of their prearranged arrival.
  • Notice for the cancellation of any scheduled visits should be given as soon as it is known prior to the visit. This time can then be made available to other potential researchers.
  • So long as the agreed upon schedule is faithfully adhered to, the project will receive preference over other researchers wishing to book time in the Archives Reading Room.
  • We ask that any additional persons brought in on the project would always be accompanied by the professor, and that they would notify us when wishing to bring additional persons to work with our archival material.
  • Due to limited space in the Archives Reading Room the project can involve no more than five persons per visit.
  • Professors and students will each read and sign the Researcher Information Form and abide by the posted MBI Archives Rules.
  • Depending on the nature of the project, special accommodations can be made, such as the use of the scanner in the Archives office by trained professors or students.

Location Info

Crowell Library Archives
Moody Bible Institute

820 N. LaSalle Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60610-3284
Sweeting Center
Lower Level

Open Mon, Tue, & Thur
(by appointment)
(312) 329-4175

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