Reading Room Guidelines


All researchers must sign in and out of the Archives Guest Register.  Researchers currently affiliated with MBI should provide an MBI-issued ID; all others will be asked to supply the following (if not already documented in the reference interview correspondence):

  • First and Last name
  • Current place of residence (mailing address)
  • Government-issued ID (type and number)
  • Research Topic
  • Signature

Rules for Researchers

  1. Coats, briefcases, parcels and personal books should be left by the Archives door. These articles will not be permitted close to the archival materials.
  2. Ringers on mobile phones must be turned off and researchers should leave the Archives for any phone conversation.
  3. Please show consideration for other researchers by being quiet.
  4. No ink of any kind may be used in the research area; use pencils only. Researchers may use loose-leaf paper or note cards. Due to space limitations, computers may only be brought into the archives at the discretion of the library staff.
  5. Smoking, eating, and drinking are prohibited in the archives.

Rules for Handling Archival Material

  1. Archival materials are one-of-a-kind and do not circulate.
  2. All archival materials must be handled carefully: use only one folder at a time and keep the papers in their existing arrangement.  Do not place books or volumes face-down.  Do not lean or press on archival materials.  Do not trace maps or other records. Do not mark documents in any way.
  3. No material from the Archives may be removed from the research area.  Materials to be copied may be taken to the copier or the Bookeye scanner upon library staff approval.


If citing material from the Archives, please use the following formula:

  • Item; File name; Collection; Moody Bible Institute, Chicago; access date.
  • e.g. Merton Smith's report to the Board of Managers of the Chicago Evangelization Society, February 5, 18--; Dryer, Emma, Letter to Mrs. McCormick; Biographical Files; Moody Bible Institute, Chicago; February 15, 2007.


The MBI Archives licenses copying for personal use only. Researchers agree that copies will not be reproduced, sold or distributed to other individuals or repositories. Researchers are advised that it is their responsibility, not the Archives', to obtain copyright clearance to publish or otherwise reproduce or distribute archival material. Whenever possible, the library staff will provide the names and addresses of copyright holders.

  • Infringement of these regulations may result in loss of access to these materials.
  • The MBI Archives reserves the right to permit or deny use of any of the collections.
  • Unless restricted or protected by copyright conditions, photocopies of materials may be made for $0.10 per side, or scanned for free.
  • Researchers may copy archival materials using their own cameras, but may not use flash bulbs.

Permission Requests

Users requiring copies of photographs, maps, or sound recordings are requested to consult the library staff about the conditions and charges.

Location Info

Crowell Library Archives
Moody Bible Institute

820 N. LaSalle Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60610-3284
Sweeting Center
Lower Level

Open Mon, Tue, & Thur
(by appointment)
(312) 329-4175

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